Welcome to St Peter and St Mary, Fishbourne in West Sussex

We’re a friendly village church set in the beautiful marshes that lead to Chichester harbour, aiming to share Christ’s love through our welcome and worship, and our involvement in Fishbourne’s village life.

Date8am9.30am FISHBOURNEThird Service
1st Sept
Trinity 14
Parish Eucharist
11am Mattins
8th Sept
Mother of God
Parish Eucharist
Messy Church
St Peter’s Place
15th Sept
Trinity 16
Parish Eucharist
with Junior Church
22nd Sept
Trinity 17
Parish Eucharist4.30pm
Family Service
29th Sept
no 8am9.30 Harvest Eucharist
12pm Harvest lunch
2pm Harvest Service

Sunday Services in September, scroll right on mobile

We also have a Wednesday 10.30 Eucharist, a half hour oasis of calm in the middle of the busy week.


Mthr Jessica Reid
Priest in Charge
01243 533112

John Sheppard
Lay Reader

Jenny Blamire
Lay Reader

Louisa Stodd

01243 784283

Simon Cox
Church Warden

Tim Gleeson
Church Warden

Weddings at Fishbourne

Congratulations on your engagement! If you’d like to get married at Fishbourne Church, we can help you plan a beautiful and personalised wedding, that celebrates your love your commitment to each other before God and your family and friends. You can have weddings on any day of the week, at any time of year. If you live in Fishbourne, or have lived in the village at some point in your life, you have a right to be married in the church.

A church wedding is unique. As you plan your service, Mthr Jessica will help you to choose music and readings from your daily life, which reflect your relationship and which bring the timeless beauty of the traditional words and vows alive in a new way. Contact Mthr Jessica to find out more about planning a wedding at Fishbourne.

During the summer months, we offer a wedding package for receptions at our church hall, to allow you to have your wedding on one site. The beautiful building, full of light, with its view over the marshes, offers a flexible space for you to make a personalised wedding celebration that brings family and friends together. A Saturday wedding reception hire begins at £750, and includes access on the Friday for set up, and Sunday for take down, as well as full use of the hall, its catering kitchen, and the car park. For more information contact Mthr Jessica,

Same sex partnerships

If you would like to celebrate your civil partnership or civil marriage , please contact Mother Jessica who would be pleased to hear from you. Fishbourne Church would be pleased to help you give thanks for your loving commitment, and pray for God’s continual support and guidance of your relationship using the Living in Love and Faith Resources.

Baptisms (Christenings)

We are always delighted to welcome new people, whatever their age, into the life of the Church. Baptism, (or Christening), is the way in which we become part of the Christian family. It’s a special service for the whole community where we celebrate God’s love for a person, and their new life in Christ.

If you’ve recently had a new baby, we’d love to celebrate with you and your family. In Fishbourne, christenings usually take place at the 9.30 Parish Eucharist. 

If you’re interested in a baptism for you, or your child, contact Mthr Jessica (motherjessicareid@gmail.com, 01243 533112)

Fishbourne Church Hall (St Peter’s Place)

Our modern church hall enjoys a peaceful setting adjoining the church, overlooking Fishbourne Meadows. It’s a very popular venue for community events, hosting Baby Sensory sessions, exercise classes, and groups, and is available for one off hires for classes, parties, or charities.

If you wish to know more about this wonderful facility or are thinking of booking the hall for a future event, please contact Alison Stirling, the Booking Secretary, at hall@fishbournechurch.uk

Alison is in the office on Wednesday mornings from 9 until 1 if you wish to speak to her about your hire (01243 784283)

A number of groups meet in The Church Hall on a regular basis. If you would like any more information about these groups please contact The Church Office. (Details above)

The hall is also available for wedding receptions during the Summer Holidays. Inquiries should be made to Mthr Jessica in the first instance.

Monday 9.00am – 4.30pm Baby Sensory
Monday 7.00pm – 10.00pm Jive ‘n’ Boogie

Tuesday 9.00am – 4.30pm Baby Sensory
Tuesday evenings 6.00pm – 9.00pm Tai Chi

Wednesday 11am – 12pm Coffee & Chat (a free community activity)
1.00pm – 4.00pm Art Group
1st Wednesday 7.00pm – 10.00pm Fishbourne Gardening Club
2nd Wednesday 6.00pm – 10.00pm Forester Friendly Society

1st Thursday 9.30am – 3.30pm Sewing Group
2nd – 5th Thursdays 9.15am – 11.15am Starfish Stay and Play
Thursday 5.00pm – 7.00pm Pilates Classes
Thursday 7.00pm – 9.00pm Kukoo Theatre

Friday 9.30am – 1.30pm Exercise Class
Friday 4.15pm – 5.45pm Rainbows

2nd Sunday 4.30pm – 6.30pm Messy Church
3rd Sunday 2.45pm-5.45pm Yoga Class